Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunrise at Beach

First view of the sun that literally popped out from exactly the location seen in picture. It is cloudy below it. There was a small boat with nice blue sails passing by very fast as there was quite some wind. Was lucky to frame them both at the same time.

Bonfire 2

Nice cozy bonfire to do Jhinga Lala Hu Hu...

Bonfire 1

Service team fuelling the Bonfire !!!

Golden sands

Patterns are unforgettable. Sun plays the catalyst to embed the images in mind.

Morning at Ramachandi beach Lotus Resort

When u give 100% efforts the results are bound to be visible. Ramchandi Beach early morning 5:30 am. 45 mins later the red sun popped out.

Olive Ridley Turtles

It is so important that these Turtles live. They are a very important part of the Eco System. They facilitate the web of life both on land and under water. Pls save them.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011